Monday, October 27, 2008

YES, on Proposition 8

This election year Gene and I have been extremely involved in helping to support the Yes, on Prop 8 Camaign. We have walked streets, made phone calls, delivered signs, and so on. I only bring this up because it is something that is extrmely important to us. I believe that MARRIAGE is and should remain between a MAN and a WOMAN. This propsition is not about taking away rights of same sex couples, or even discriminating against them. It is about the sancity and the definition of the word Marriage, and I can not stand by ,not help or not do anything for a principle that I believe in. I have family members and friends that are gay and lesbian, this does not change the way that I think of them, it does not change how much I love and care about them. This proposition is not about them, but about marriage. They will continue to have the same rights and privelages under the law and would still be able to have their unions reccognized, just not labled "Marriage". If this Proposition does not pass, a lot of things are going to change, and probably not for the good of our State. Here are a few examples of what is going on in other States that have allowed same sex marriage:
Four Consequences If Proposition 8 Fails
(I found this on a friends blog)
1. Children in public schools will be taught that both traditional marriage and same-sex marriage are okay.The California Education Code already requires that health education classes instruct children about marriage. Therefore, if the definition of marriage is changed, children will be taught that marriage is a relation between any two adults. There will be serious clashes between the secular school system and the right of parents to teach their children their own values and beliefs.
2. Churches will be sued if they refuse to allow same-sex marriage ceremonies in their religious buildings that are open to the public. Ask whether your pastor, priest, minister, bishop, or rabbi is ready to perform such marriages in your chapels and sanctuaries.
3. Religious adoption agencies will be challenged by government agencies to give up their long-held right to place children only in homes with both a mother and a father. Catholic Charities in Boston has already closed its doors because of the legalization of same-sex marriage in Massachusetts.
4. It will cost you money. A change in the definition of marriage will bring a cascade of lawsuits. Even if courts eventually find in favor of a defender of traditional marriage (highly improbable given today’s activist judges), think of the money – your money, your church contributions – that will have to be spent on legal fees.
And think of all the unintended consequences that we cannot even foresee at this time. Where will it end?It’s your children, your grandchildren, your money, and your liberties.
I am not trying to force anyone to believe what I believe, I am only trying to get out the facts and make people think about what they want.


Mindy said...

I like all your important facts. This issue has been a large one within the dispatch center. Most are for it very few don't seem to care about changing marriage. I just don't understand how you can't care about your children learning things you don't want them to learn while in school. Weird that we can take God out of schools but force issues like these.

Dial Family said...

Hey guys!! I found your blog off Heidi's. I hope that's alright. I love all the pix's of you guys. You crack me up. You had so much more information that I didnt konw about on the prop 8 campaign. I have been hearing about it lots thru my mom but I guess there were a few more things that were just explained on your blog. You guys are awesome for spending so much time and effort in somthing so important. I wish I were there.... We're praying for everyone there and really hoping it passes.. Keep it up and keep us posted!! We have a blog now too.. Say hi to the fam!!

Carrie S. said...

VICTORY! It passed and I am so happy! You guys are awesome!

Dial Family said...

WAHOO!! California, here we come!! ;) hehe

Dial Family said...

BTW... how's Christian? tell him hi!!